Thursday, December 13, 2012

NHL Pricing Promotion

As the weeks go by and the lockout continues, NHL fans are losing what little hope they have that there will still be a season. For the fans, it seems that they are the ones that are really being punished during this. After all, without the fans, the NHL would not exist. Fans are leaving the NHL and are boycotting the NHL and everything related to the NHL. It seems that this lockout, the third under Bettman's reign, will have severe consequences.

As I talk to many fans, it seems that when the NHL returns, they are still going to boycott it and not give the NHL any of their money. When and if the NHL returns, the NHL and the individual teams might have to implement pricing promotions to help regain the fans interest and trust. Some pricing promotions that the league should consider are reduced prices on tickets and merchandise. Some fans even suggested that the league should give away free tickets. After all, they are willing to keep losing money for this long. The league might have to come up with such promotions as a fan appreciation week where tickets are sold at reduced prices or are even given away for free.

If the NHL wants to return to where it once was before the lockout, they will have to implement a good marketing and digital marketing campaign. The NHL will probably also have to hire new marketers to help with the new campaigns and plans. For digital marketers, the NHL can pull talent from the University of Michigan Dearborn, one of the top digital marketing schools.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Two Things the NHL Can Learn from the U of T Rockets Hockey Team

"Fire Bettman." This statement, one of the nicer ones about Gary Bettman, is one that is said and heard by many hockey fans. This lockout has angered many fans and some of these angry fans have abandoned the sport. When the NHL returns from the lockout, they will have to prove to the fans that they do care about them and that their voices will be heard. To do this, the NHL will have to develop a new marketing plan. This marketing plan can use things that the University of Toledo Rockets Hockey team's website has used to help market and promote their team.

Here are the two things that the NHL can learn from the Toledo Rockets Hockey team website:

1. Get to know your fans.

  • Under the news section of the University of Toledo Rockets Hockey team's website, there is a "Website Polls" section. This section is great for learning about and getting to know your fans by asking them simple questions. Questionnaires are a great way to learn about your target market.

2. Listen to your fans.

  • Based on the results of the polls, the team can make changes to the program itself and the marketing campaign. This results in happy fans and it really shows your fans that you care about them, value them and value their opinion.
Now, let me leave you with a few questions to think about.

Will you return as a fan to the sport of hockey, and participate as a fan by watching the games on TV, going to the games, buying merchandise, etc.?

If not, what will it take for you to return as a fan to the sport? An apology from the league or owners? Free tickets? Reduced prices? What will it take?

Toledo Rockets Hockey

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Detroit Red Wings, The NHL Lockout and Marketing

With the current NHL lockout, teams like the Detroit Red Wings are facing a real problem. Not only are they losing money, but they are also losing fans. As everyday passes, the NHL is losing more and more fans. If and when the lockout ends and the NHL returns, the teams will have a lot of ground to make up. They will have to make it up to their fans and let them know that the fans are still their number one priority because without the fans, the game and the league would not exist.

Teams like the Red Wings will have to come up with new marketing campaigns and strategies as well as expand on the current marketing campaigns. The Red Wings will have to in a sense, regain the trust of their fans. They will have to reward the loyal fans and bring back the fans that have left. If this is not done, the Red Wings as well as other NHL teams could continue to lose money even when the lockout is over. A marketing plan could potentially make or break these teams once the lockout is over.

Currently, the Red Wings have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and an Instagram account. The Red Wings must continue to use these mediums and must develop new campaigns for each one in order to help repair the damage that the lockout has caused.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Marketing Schools

The University of Michigan Dearborn is one of the best marketing schools. With the recent addition of the digital marketing degree and students being able to be Google AdWords certified, the university has become one of the top digital marketing schools.

I personally enjoy digital marketing and would encourage others to at least take a digital marketing class. It's fun and we all know a little bit about marketing since we are all consumers. Also, digital marketing is a growing field in tough economic times.